August Reparations Strategy Session featuring Virginie Ladisch: Reparations in International Comparative Perspective


Virginie Ladisch is a senior expert in truth seeking and reparative justice at the International Center for Transitional Justice. She currently leads ICTJ’s work in the United Stated and its research and work on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS). She has provided technical support to transitional justice processes in Australia, Canada, Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Liberia, […]

Discovering Catharine, Inspiring Action Guest Speaker: Elisa Walker

1702 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL 60201

Join us for a screening of the new film Discovering Catharine by Susan Hope Engel, which explores the life and legacy of Evanstonian Catharine Waugh McCulloch (1862 – 1945), an early female attorney, active Woman’s Club Member, and a fervent champion of women’s rights. Catharine’s extraordinary story will be used as a launching point for […]

SAARC World of Repair

RSVP for an exciting evening on October 26, 6pm, celebrating Seattle’s rich jazz legacy and SAARC’s mission to usher in a future where we realize reparations for local Black communities. Special guests include Robin Rue Simmons, Larry Gossett, and more!

Mural Unveiling and Arts & Reparations Program

FirstRepair National resource center 1900 Asbury ave, Evanston, IL, United States

Join us for an afternoon of creativity, history, and activism as FirstRepair presents Reparations Are Due!, an exhibit by nationally celebrated artist Tonika Lewis Johnson. This powerful installation highlights the impact of systemic injustices and the ongoing fight for reparations, bringing historical narratives into contemporary conversations through art. The fight for reparations is not just a […]