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Kabbalat Shabbat Services Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Featuring Robin Rue Simmons

Tonight’s Martin Luther King Jr. Service will feature Robin Rue Simmons of First Repair and an update on the anti-racism and reparations work that Beth Emet is doing.

We will offer a special blessing to Lila Selch, as she travels to Israel to participate in this spring’s Heller EIE program. Lila is the recipient of the Dr. Richard I. and Marian Kaufman Leo Baeck Scholarship Fund of the Beth Emet Foundation this year, which has provided funding for students to participate in their study programs since 1980. Lila’s name will be added to a list of many distinguished Beth Emet alum.

Welcome Shabbat whether in the Sanctuary or online! Masks are no longer required and are encouraged. There will be a masks-required section for those that feel more comfortable in the Sanctuary.

To listen to the service dial 847-869-4230 and press 7

January 13 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm