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Harvard University: Can Reparations Close the Racial Health Gap?

In partnership with Harvard Public Health magazine, the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights will host a free, in-person symposium at Harvard University’s Martin Center. Throughout the day, we will be examining the challenging question of how to redress centuries of anti-Black racism – and how to ensure that reparations are designed with the long-term health of Black communities and individuals in mind. Speakers will bring a wide range of expertise in law, policy, public health, history, media, and community organizing.

Register below to secure your seat at the Martin Center, at 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA, 02115.This will be an interactive symposium, so bring your questions and ideas! Breakfast and lunch will be served.

Please note that the Martin Center is accessible by public transportation and near several garages, but there is no parking on site. Information on traveling to the center is available here. We are proud to work with several outstanding partners on this event, including Ujamaa Seeds and Sweet Teez Bakery.

11:15am – 12:30pm: Municipal, State and Federal Reparations Programs: Where is Health?

Featuring Our Executive Director, Robin Rue Simmons

Robin Rue Simmons is the Founder and Executive Director of FirstRepair, a not-for-profit organization that informs local reparations, nationally. She is the former 5th Ward Alderman for the City of Evanston, where she led, the passage of the nation’s first municipal funded reparations legislation. She laid the foundation for her life’s work in 1998 when she became a real estate broker. Troubled by wealth disparities and concentrated poverty she witnessed locally, she wanted to help families build wealth through homeownership. Rue Simmons has received numerous awards and has been featured in national and international publications for her public service work.
November 3 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm